Stress and its Physiological Effect on Your Skin

Stressful events are present in our day to day as both positive and negative activity. Regardless of the source, it still has significant impact on skin appearance, body health and overall wellness.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, fifteen million people are under constant stress in the United States. Whether the stress is psychological or physical, it all creates a reaction in the brain to initiate the production of cortisol, a stress hormone released from the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys. Its job is to provide the body with a glucose surge of energy so that we can prepare to run in the face of fear; hence the fight or flight response.

The problem comes when we are under constant stress with too much production of cortisol. If this continues for long periods of time, cortisol production exhausts, which not only weakens the immune system but accelerates skin breakdown, inflammation, cellulite, and the dreaded aging process. Stress literally shortens the telomeres that protect the healthy cellular replication that keeps us youthful. It also exacerbates conditions like acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, and cold sores.

Stress increases oil production, breakdown of collagen, and triggers inflammatory processes in the body and skin which can also kill quality sleep, digestion and comfortable movement in joints and muscles. Dah! So what are we to do?

Fortunately, there is a growing area of study that observes the Gut-Skin-Brain Axis, called Psychodermatology. More than ever, scientists acknowledge the connection between the mind’s process, gut health from diet, and the skin’s ability to balance it all well. Phew!

Stay tuned this month for some of my favorite tricks to manage stress and optimize your skin!