Menu of Services

Skin Treatments

Each individualized skin therapy session is centered on thoroughly cleansing, detoxifying, treating and optimizing your skin, while you experience a healing, meditative escape. I design a customized blend of cutting-edge knowledge and contemporary technology with the healing power of holistic skin care nutrition to encourage your skin’s optimal health and performance.

Skin Consult

$125 for 60 min

Sculptural Face Lifting Treatment

$250 for 90 min</br style="text-align: left;">$1250 for series of 6</br

$2250 for series of 10


  • Lift and rejuvenation without invasive procedure; we work out the inner emotions through the superficial parts like bones, muscle and skin. When you release the inner block, you release the pull on the face. Superficial procedures, like surgery and injections, rarely look quite natural, because the inner conflict is never addressed and continues to pull.
  • Passive muscle fitness; SFL stimulates and works the muscles as if you were in a gym. Muscular structure is a major framework for the face, like a clothes hanger. When it is paralyzed or atrophied, the skin hangs and the face is poorly aligned.
  • Release of stress on a deeper level not often accessed
  • Soothing to autoimmune responses from stress release
  • Deeper relaxation of muscles
  • Therapeutic effect for TMJ, severe clenching, stagnation of sinuses, twitching and even partial paralysis due to stroke
  • Cleansing and boosting of skin function and appearance
  • Osteopathic effect due to better movement of skull bones
  • Improvement of facial posture and alignment

LED Light Therapy Facial

$125 for 60 min/$175 First Time Visit

Signature Treatment

$200 for 90 min/$250 First Time Visit, 120 min

Deluxe Signature Treatment

$300 for 120 min/$350 First Time Visit, 150 min

Enzymatic Back Treatment

$95 for 60 min/$125 First Time Visit, 90 min

Add-Ons to Any Facial

Eye Revive


Pore Refinement

$45, 15min

LED Light Therapy


Hand Revive

$45, 15min

Facial Hair Removal

A 100% certified organic sugar technique called glazing is used. Applied thinly and removed with strips, glazing is designed to attach to the hair and not the skin, lessening the discomfort and leaving your skin exfoliated, smooth and hydrated.(ingredients: Sugar, Chamomile, Lemon, Water, and Pure Essential Oils)

Eyebrow Shaping

Eyebrow Maintenance



Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy Complete Evaluation

A full nutritional consultation encompasses a questionnaire that will help uncover your unique health problems where we can implement dietary and supplement changes for successful outcomes. Individualized diet and supplement protocols will be provided that include food, vitamins and herbs to address health, behavioral and emotional concerns.

Nutritional Therapy Session

This is a 45-minute Nutritional Therapy follow-up session. It can also be for those who just want more information on specific nutrition questions.

Infrared Sauna

As your body absorbs infrared waves, it encourages the transfer of water across cellular membranes. Once the cellular membranes are hydrated, your blood flow is enhanced, which produces an assortment of biologically beneficial body healing functions.Infrared rays use radiant heat to directly penetrate the body’s tissues to a depth of over 2.5 inches and produce up to 2-3 times the sweat volume of a hot-air sauna, while working at a considerably cooler air temperature range of 110 degrees to 135 degrees F. This produces an assortment of biologically beneficial body healing functions.

Regular Infrared Sauna use benefits include:

  • Detoxification – Expels harmful environmental toxins through sweating.
  • Improved Immune Function - increased white blood cell production and toxin removal.
  • Weight Loss – Burns calories and increases metabolism.
  • Pain Relief – Deep, direct penetration to the source of your pain.
  • Stress Relief, Better Sleep and Mood – Release of feel-good chemicals like endorphins, which may contribute to improved mood or feelings of wellbeing.
  • Quicker Recovery Times – Speeds the healing time after surgical procedures and for damaged tissues, muscles, wounds, ligaments, and nerve endings.
  • Cardiovascular Workout – Heart rate and cardiac output increase, blood pressure decreases, and blood flow improves…it’s a great passive workout!
  • Organic Skin Care – Helps renew elastin-collagen tissues, reduce wrinkles, dark circles, age spots, and smooths skin.
  • Cancer Therapy – Increases the production of white blood cells, killer T-cells, heat shock proteins and interferon, all of which have been shown to fight cancer cell growth. Rebuilds stamina and immunity following chemo and radiation therapy.

Single Sauna Session

Sessions adjust in time from 10-30 minutes
based on the individual's needs
Package Options
Regular and frequent sessions optimize efficacy and benefits

Series of 4

Series of 8

Promotional Intro Package $99 - Highly recommended!
Three sessions for $99, the Intro Package allows for an intake, education, and a 15-minute sauna session followed by two more sauna sessions that will adjust in time and temperature, based on your specific treatment focus and goals. It's the perfect way to optimize your sauna experience, even if you have already experienced Infrared Therapy before!